We all want to have beautiful, luscious hair but due to a variety of reasons (age, genetics, illness, or just bad luck) sometimes it just doesn’t work out that way. Slowly our hair loss gets worse and before we even realize we have the dreaded bald spot! In cases like this, hair transplantation can save us.
What Is Hair Transplantation?
Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure where the surgeon moves hair from an area of the body (the donor area) to the bald area on the head. The donor area is usually the back of the head. Hair transplantation is a restoration method that is permanent and looks incredibly natural.
Why Do We Get Hair Loss?
A little bit of hair fall is perfectly normal, as hair loss is a part of the hair growth cycle. New hair grows and old hair is pushed out. Occasionally, hair fall increases for reasons like stress or bad hair care habits, but in those cases, small changes in routine or products fix the problem fairly soon. Sometimes though, the hair loss grows so advanced that small changes are not enough to reverse it.
Baldness and hair thinning occur for many different reasons. In 95% of the cases, it’s due to genetics, hormonal changes, or age. Sometimes it can be because of stress or an unhealthy lifestyle. In rare cases, someone can suffer from hair loss after a trauma or an accident. Baldness can be caused by medications, like certain anti-depressants, or blood pressure medications. It can also be caused by medical reasons like chemotherapy or alopecia.
Alopecia is an autoimmune disease that causes hair to fall out, usually in clumps. This is because alopecia occurs when the immune system attacks the hair follicles. The amount of hair loss varies from person to person. Alopecia can be caused due to hereditary factors, hormonal causes, nutritional deficiencies, etc.
What Is Alopecia? What Are The Causes Of Alopecia?
To learn more about alopecia, its types, symptoms, and causes,
Why Get Hair Transplants?
Growing bald affects a person’s head in more than one way. It makes people more insecure and more self-conscious. It affects their actions and behavior. In these cases, the best option is to look for a more permanent solution: hair transplants.
Before, people would use hair plugs or wigs as a solution to baldness or thinning of hair. But they were very noticeable and looked quite unnatural. This made people even more self-conscious of themselves. But then, hair transplants were developed. These days hair transplants look so natural that even hairdressers can’t tell the difference!
Not only do hair transplants look more natural than hair plugs or wigs, but they are also more long-lasting. Getting hair transplants is also cheaper than wearing wigs. Wigs require a lot of maintenance and they need to be replaced quite frequently. Hair transplants are attached to the scalp just once, and even if they fall out, new hair grows in their place.
Who Is An Ideal Candidate?
An ideal candidate for hair transplants:
- Has Baldness Grade III (Norwood Classification)
- Is in good health
- Has stabilized hair loss
After deciding to get hair transplants, the patient must go for a consultation and follow the steps and instructions given by the surgeon, like quitting smoking. It is important to have realistic expectations of the results.
Everything You Need To Know Before You Go For Hair Transplant
There is more information on what to do before getting hair transplant, click on the link below!
What Happens During Hair Transplantation?
Hair transplantation is usually done by one of two methods: Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) or Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT). In FUE, follicular units are harvested from the donor area and then placed into micro-slits made in the recipient area. In FUT, a linear strip is harvested from the donor area and then dissected into “grafts.” These grafts are then implanted into the recipient area.
At NVYA Aesthetics, Dr. Hiren Bhatt, an expert Plastic Surgeon, decides which technique is most suitable for the patient based on the individual’s unique case and his/her expectations. Dr. Bhatt’s priority is to ensure that the patient’s desires are fulfilled as safely as possible.
How is hair transplantation performed at {{}}?
To learn more about FUE and FUT, click on the link below!
What Happens Immediately After The Surgery?
- After the surgery is complete, the patient will be discharged the very same day. He/She will have to return after 48 hours and then after 10 days for follow-up appointments.
- The patient will be prescribed a course of antibiotics, painkillers, and topical medicines. It is essential to listen to the surgeon’s instructions regarding medication very carefully to avoid infections, inflammation, or “shock loss” (the falling out of untreated hair).
- There may be swelling on the forehead and around the eyes. It may extend to the eyes, but there is no need for concern as the swelling will disappear in 3-4 days. After the procedure, patients are advised to sleep on their backs with their heads slightly elevated for 7-8 days. This helps reduce the swelling.
- Itching is also a common sensation, post-surgery. It will fade away after a few days.
- Shampooing will be allowed after 5-7 days, depending on the patient’s recovery.
Most people see the results of the procedure between 6 to 9 months, while some see the results after 12 months.
What To Remember During Recovery?
Getting hair transplants is a simple and long-lasting solution to balding and hair thinning. But, for several weeks after the procedure, the hair transplants are in an incredibly fragile state. They need to be treated with care. A few changes to routine must be made to ensure the longevity of the hair transplants.
Hair Fall: Sometimes, within the first 3-4 weeks after the procedure, the transplanted hair will fall out. There is no need to worry because it is perfectly normal and the hair grows back thicker and stronger.
Hair Care Routine: Shampooing will not be allowed at the beginning of the recovery period. It is best to use very mild shampoos for the first few weeks after the procedure. It is recommended not to scrub the scalp or blast the shower stream directly onto the scalp. The patient should not press a comb or a brush over the hair transplants for at least 3 weeks. The patient should also do their best not to wear hats or attempt complicated hairstyles until the recovery is completed. The patient should also remember not to dye their hair until 4 weeks have passed after the procedure, as the harsh chemicals in dyes may compromise the success of the still fragile hair transplants.
Hydration: Everyone knows that drinking enough water is essential for good health, but it is especially important after getting hair transplants. The more water the patient drinks, the faster he/she will recover. And it is advised to avoid drinking alcohol for at least two weeks after the procedure. Alcohol can cause dehydration, which may lead to an increase in the recovery time.
Smoking: Smoking increases blood pressure and a healthy blood flow is essential to good hair and scalp health. Because of this, a smoker will be asked to quit smoking a few months before the hair transplant, to prevent complications during the procedure. It is normally recommended to not smoke for at least 3-4 weeks after the procedure, to ensure a smooth recovery period.
Sweating: It is recommended to avoid heavy workouts for at least 3-4 weeks after the procedure, as excessive sweat on the scalp may lead to infection. It is possible to do mild exercises or go on short walks, but not anything too taxing.
Sunlight: Avoid exposing the scalp to sunlight for at least 2 weeks after the procedure. It is also recommended to wear a hat under heavy sunlight for at least 6 months after the procedure.
Lifestyle: It is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle after getting hair transplants. It is recommended to follow a high protein diet, with regular exercise. Even after getting hair transplants, the patient should take care of his/her physical and mental health, to reduce hair fall as much as possible.
Getting a hair transplant is a very simple procedure with many benefits. Not only does it improve physical appearance, but it also boosts self-esteem and confidence. At NVYA Aesthetics, Dr. Hiren Bhatt ensures that the patient is fully satisfied with the results. If you have more queries, contact Dr. Hiren Bhatt.

About the author
Dr. Hiren Bhatt is the lead Plastic Surgeon at NVYA Aesthetics, Vadodara. He completed his graduation and post-graduation in Plastic Surgery from Government Medical College, Baroda (Vadodara). He is an accredited M.Ch in Plastic Surgery. Dr. Hiren Bhatt is extremely passionate about the Science in Plastic Surgery and equally passionate about the Art it requires to deliver natural-looking results.