
Restore Your Confidence with Expert Hair Transplant Solutions at NVYA


NVYA Aesthetics offers Hair Transplant Surgery as a proven solution to permanently defeat the problem of significant hair loss. Dr. Hiren Bhatt, the expert Plastic Surgeon explains all the details of both FUT and FUE Hair Transplant.


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They are very gentle and do their best to give the patients the expected results. I am very happy with their office, equipment, kindness and professionalism.


The staff was friendly and professional, and the treatment left me feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. Thank you for the wonderful service, I'll definitely be visiting again!


The treatment targeted areas of concern and helped to improve the texture and firmness of my skin, but most importantly, the staff knew what they were doing.

Disclaimer: The before and after snapshots serve as visual representations of the outcomes achieved by the doctor. The treatments and results can vary based on individual patients' clinical factors. These images are intended to raise awareness about the diverse range of procedures available at NVYA Aesthetics.


Hair is often referred to as the “CROWNING GLORY”. Hair fall, a receding hairline or significant hair loss is not just a “physical” issue. It also affects the confidence and self-esteem of the individual irrespective of gender and age.

Dr. Hiren Bhatt, Vadodara’s most trusted Plastic Surgeon offers Hair Transplant Surgery at NVYA Aesthetics as a proven solution to permanently defeat the problem of significant hair loss. Dr. Hiren Bhatt is a skilled Plastic Surgeon who can perform both FUT (Follicular Unit Transplant) and FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) Hair Transplant with precision.

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The normal scalp contains about 100,000 strands of hair. No new hair follicles develop after birth. The hair follicles are glands through which the hair grows. Dr. Hiren Bhatt, the accredited Plastic Surgeon explains that a normal hair growth pattern involves the replacement of all hair in a cycle of three phases.
Phase 1:
Anagen is a phase of active hair growth. This phase lasts for 2-6 years. In this phase, the hair has very good thickness and is dark coloured. The follicle extends deep under the skin and is long.
Phase 2:
After the Anagen phase, the hair follicle passes into the Catagen phase. This phase lasts for 1-3 weeks. The hair follicle shrinks, and hair does not grow.
Phase 3:
The Catagen phase is followed by Telogen phase. It lasts for 3-4 months. It is a resting period. The hair follicle is detached from the hair but the hair remnant fibre is still inside. After this round of Telogen, the Anagen phase begins again. The new hair grows and old hair fibre is gradually pushed out.
Phases of Hair Growth Phases of Hair Growth
Hair Growth Cycle
Alopecia is a medical disorder which causes hair loss, receding hairline and baldness.
The Causes of Alopecia Are:
Hereditary: This is the most common cause of alopecia. It is also known as Male Pattern Baldness or Androgenetic Alopecia. It affects the front, the center and the crown areas of the scalp in varying degrees. It is caused by a genetic sensitivity of hair follicle in these areas, to a hormone called dihydrotestosterone, DHT. Hormonal Causes: In women, hormonal diseases like thyroid abnormality can cause hair loss. Hormonal changes in the body of women during pregnancy, after childbirth or around menopause can also cause hair loss. Women may also lose hair because of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). Medical Conditions: There are certain medical conditions which can cause alopecia.
  1. Alopecia areata: This is a condition where patches of hair loss develop on the scalp. It may be of the size of a coin. There may be many such patches. In most cases, it is a treatable condition.
  2. Scalp infection: Recurrent fungal and bacterial infection can lead to hair loss. This can also cause scarring which may lead to permanent hair loss.
  3. Iron Deficiency (Anemia): Anemia and deficiency of Vitamin D3 can cause hair loss. This is a reversible hair loss.
  4. Trichotillomania: It is a psychological issue where a person pulls his/her hair.
  5. Medications: Certain medicines used for the treatment of cancers, high blood pressure, heart problems, depression and arthritis can cause hair loss. Some oral contraceptive pills also cause hair loss.
  6. Radiation Treatment to the scalp can cause hair loss which may not be reversible.
  7. Temporary hair loss or thinning of scalp hair can occur after a major illness or a major operation. It can also occur after massive weight loss or emotional stress like the death of a beloved one. This condition is also known as telogen effluvium.
  8. Involutional alopecia: This means age-related thinning of hair density. Scalp hair becomes thinner and reduces in number as a person grows older. This is a natural phenomenon and affects everyone.
Wrong Hair Treatments: Hair loss is often caused by the way we treat our hair. Following hair treatments can increase hair loss. Following practices/ traditions can damage the hair-
  1. Hairstyles that tightly bind hair at the back, like braids.
  2. Chemical treatments on hair such as chemical straightening.
  3. Drying hair at a very high temperature.
  4. Repeated hair straightening or curling.
Stages of Alopecia Stages of Alopecia
Dr. Hiren Bhatt, the expert Plastic Surgeon of NVYA Aesthetics, Vadodara has explained that the stage of Alopecia in men is determined using the Norwood Classification. While Ludwig Classification is the parameter used to determine the stage of Alopecia in women.

NVYA Aesthetics has a bouquet of services both surgical and non-surgical that can help in eliminating the problem of hair loss. Dr. Hiren Bhatt’s thorough evaluation of your case will determine what treatments would suit you the best.

Non-surgical treatments for hair loss management include Mesotherapy, PRP and Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT).

Surgical Treatment for Alopecia at NVYA Aesthetics, Vadodara is Hair Transplant. Dr. Hiren Bhatt has a vast experience of performing Hair Transplant on patients using the FUT or the FUE technique.

Hair Transplant is a surgical technique performed by a trained Plastic Surgeon. In this procedure, the Surgeon removes hair follicles from one part of the scalp and places them carefully over the balding areas.

There are two renowned techniques used in modern Hair Transplants – FUE and FUT.

FUE stands for Follicular Unit Extraction. It is a hair transplant surgery which is performed by highly skilled Board Certified Plastic Surgeon – Dr. Hiren Bhatt at NVYA Aesthetics, Vadodara.

Dr. Bhatt harvests Follicular units from a healthy donor site and places them into micro slits made in the recipient area. Here the hair follicle units are cored with the help of motorized punch. They are then collected in the small canister by suction or are picked up with micro-forceps using no-touch technique and are collected in a petri dish. There are no stitches given and therefore the pain is less in this method.

The FUE technique at NVYA Aesthetics, Vadodara is best suitable for a hair transplant procedure, which typically needs a smaller number of grafts (about 1500-2000 grafts). A Follicular unit contains multiple healthy hair follicles with different directions. Our FUE hair transplant surgery is preferred by patients because of the speedy recovery and no visible linear scarring on the back of the scalp.

FUT stands for Follicular Unit Transplant. FUT Hair transplant is a surgery performed to treat baldness or alopecia. The procedure involves removing healthy hair follicles from one area of the body (known as the donor area), usually from the posterior aspect and sides of the head and transplanting them in the area where there is no hair (known as the recipient area), usually the anterior part and crown of the head. The hair follicles used for the purpose of removal and grafting are called “follicular units”.

Dr. Hiren Bhatt, NVYA Aesthetics’ Plastic Surgeon, chooses the donor area from the back of the head or the sides of the head.

A linear strip is harvested from the centre of the back of the head. The strip is microscopically dissected into smaller units known as follicular units known as grafts. These grafts are then implanted on the head where there is no hair.

The surgeon performing this procedure needs to be highly skilled since the follicular units are fragile and delicate to handle. Dr. Hiren Bhatt’s training and experience in Plastic, Reconstructive and Cosmetic Surgery, gives him an advantage in executing this procedure very meticulously.

Dr. Hiren Bhatt has set forth some basic criteria for a candidate to be an ideal candidate for Hair Transplant at NVYA Aesthetics, Vadodara:

  • Baldness of Grade III (Norwood Classification) and above, and is otherwise healthy.
  • Hair loss has been stabilized
  • Or in some rare cases where sudden hair loss has taken place due to trauma or burns

During the first visit, Dr. Hiren Bhatt, our Board Certified Plastic Surgeon with expertise in hair transplant surgery will obtain a detailed medical and surgical history and history of any hair treatment taken so far.

The hair and scalp will be evaluated and hair loss will be graded. Non-surgical and surgical treatment options will be discussed. If you are the right candidate for the hair transplant, you will be explained the whole procedure. The appropriate technique for your case – FUE or FUT will be chosen. An approximate number of grafts required will be told to you. When you agree for the surgery, the procedure will be scheduled.

The main purpose of the consultation at NVYA Aesthetics, Vadodara is to understand your unique case and your expectations from the hair transplant. It is essential that both you and Dr. Hiren Bhatt are on the same page from the very beginning.

Following is a chart created byNVYA Aesthetics, Vadodara which explains the difference between these two Hair Transplant techniques:
Scarring Small round Scars One line of scar
Healing Shorter Longer
Post-Operative Pain Little or No Some but Bearable
Donor Area Shaved Yes No
Risk of Harvesting Non-Permanent Hair Yes Much Lower
Graft Quality Variable High
Follicular Unit Gain Low High
Body Hair Can be Harvested Cannot be Harvested
Graft Outside Body Longer Time Lesser Time
Cost of Treatment Higher Lower
Short Haircuts Possible Can expose the Scar
Large Bald Areas Less Effective More Effective
Dr. Hiren Bhatt’s main takeaway on which technique is better – FUE or FUT – “Both techniques give similar final results. If a large area is to be covered in a single sitting, FUT is preferred. FUT is also preferred if baldness is in progressive stage and a second sitting is expected in the next few years. In many cases, a combination of both is advised.”

At NVYA Aesthetics, we have an easy to follow protocol in the days leading up to the Hair Transplant Surgery.

Following are the steps that are taken before the surgery:

  • Filling out and signing consent forms
  • Standard views of before surgery pictures taken
  • Marking of the desired hairline in agreement with you

Dr. Hiren Bhatt will ask you to undergo a couple of routine blood and urine tests. You may be asked to refrain from taking any blood-thinning medicines in the days leading up to the surgery.

Apart from this, there is nothing a patient needs to worry about. NVYA Aesthetics takes care of the rest.

Dr. Hiren Bhatt, the accredited Plastic Surgeon at NVYA Aesthetics, Vadodara performs Hair Transplant Surgery with the highest degree of precision to ensure natural-looking results and patient safety.

Step 1 – Anaesthesia

The procedure is done under local anaesthesia. You do not have to fast before or after surgery. You will have a few needle pricks to numb the scalp. The effect generally lasts through the entire duration of surgery. You may be relieved for a lunch break if the session is going to last longer.

Step 2 – Extraction of Donor Tissue

Dr. Hiren Bhatt will remove the donor tissue as one single strip from the back of the head. It will be then closed very meticulously. The healthy hair follicles from the strip will then be microscopically dissected.

Step 3 – Graft Placement

Follicular units harvested by the above method are then placed with the help of micro-forceps in the slits which are made for implantation of the grafts.

Step 1 – Anaesthesia

The procedure is done under local anaesthesia. You do not have to fast before or after surgery. You will have a few needle pricks to numb the scalp. The effect generally lasts through the entire duration of surgery. You may be relieved for a lunch break if the session is going to last longer.

Step 2 – Making Slits

The next step in the surgery is making the slits with special instruments. Harvested grafts will be planted later in these slits. Dr. Hiren Bhatt of NVYA Aesthetics, Vadodara makes the slits first in the recipient area.

Step 3 – Graft Placement

Follicular units harvested by the above methods are then placed with the help of micro-forceps in the slits made previously.

You will be discharged on the same day. Make sure you have a close friend or family member who can drive you home safely.

A course of antibiotics, painkillers and medicines to reduce swelling is generally prescribed for 5-7 days by Dr. Hiren Bhatt, Vadodara’s best plastic surgeon.

There will be swelling around the forehead and above the eyes. Sometimes, swelling may extend even below the eyes. This will disappear within 3-5 days. Shampooing is generally permitted after 5-7 days.

You may continue with Finasteride and from the 14th day, local application of Minoxidil may be started. This will increase the rate of growth of the grafted hair. It will also reduce the possibility of “Shock Loss”, wherein there is a temporary fall of non-grafted normal hair.

Follow up is generally advised after 48 hours and after 10 days at NVYA Aesthetics, Vadodara.

A healthy lifestyle and a high protein diet are recommended. Normal styling and grooming are permitted when the hair growth is complete. It takes about 6-9 months for the grafted hair to grow completely.

According to Dr. Hiren Bhatt, factors affecting the outcome are:

  • Quality of Donor Hair: Thick donor hair with dense growth in the donor areas will give better results compared to thin and sparse growth in donor areas.

  • Source of Donor Hair: Scalp hairs give better outcome. When the combination of scalp and body hair is to be used, scalp hair is placed in the front areas.

  • Number of grafts: Large bald areas need more grafts. If the team is experienced, it may be advisable to go ahead with this. Otherwise, it is safer to get it done in more than one sessions.

Dr. Hiren Bhatt has built his medical practice on the values of honesty and integrity. Hence, he informs patients of all the potential risks associated with a procedure well in advance.

Following are some of the rare risks associated with Hair Transplant Surgery:

  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Swelling of the scalp
  • Bruising around the eyes
  • A crust that forms on the areas of the scalp where hair was removed or implanted
  • Numbness or lack of sensation on the treated areas of the scalp
  • Itching
  • Inflammation or infection of the hair follicles, which is known as folliculitis
  • Shock loss, or sudden but typically temporary loss of the transplanted hair
  • Unnatural-looking tufts of hair

Dr. Hiren Bhatt ensures that none of these risks turns into a reality for his patients. He prioritises the safety of the patient above all else.

Schedule An Appointment

In case you would like to learn more about Hair Transplant, or if you are wondering whether you are an ideal candidate for Hair Transplant at NVYA Aesthetics, Vadodara - Book an online appointment with Dr. Hiren Bhatt and go for an one-on-one consultation!

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