Bringing Comfort and Proportion with Breast Reduction Solutions


Breast reduction at NVYA Aesthetics done by Dr. Hiren Bhatt (Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon) helps to achieve the desired breast size by removal of excess tissue, fat, and skin.


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They are very gentle and do their best to give the patients the expected results. I am very happy with their office, equipment, kindness and professionalism.

Ava D.

The staff was friendly and professional, and the treatment left me feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. Thank you for the wonderful service, I'll definitely be visiting again!

Harvey J.

The treatment targeted areas of concern and helped to improve the texture and firmness of my skin, but most importantly, the staff knew what they were doing.

Sara J.

Disclaimer: The before and after snapshots serve as visual representations of the outcomes achieved by the doctor. The treatments and results can vary based on individual patients' clinical factors. These images are intended to raise awareness about the diverse range of procedures available at NVYA Aesthetics.


It is every girl’s dream to have perfectly proportionate breasts that suit her body type and enhance her figure. Breasts are a symbol of feminine beauty and grace, and girls who have perfectly shaped breasts wouldn’t agree more! However, that is not the case always as some women have large and heavy breasts which often look out of proportion and unshapely.

Having large breasts is not only aesthetically displeasing, but can also cause a lot of physical pain to the woman. Dr. Hiren Bhatt, NVYA Aesthetics’ expert Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon explains that having large breasts is often embarrassing and a cause of lowered self-esteem for many women out there. He provides a perfect solution to achieve proportionate and aesthetically pleasing breasts with the help of a simple breast reduction surgery.

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There are various reasons for having large breasts like hormonal issues, hereditary factors, family history, etc. Large breasts can lead to physical problems like back pain, neck pain, and deep brassier strap marks. It can also lead to itchy, red skin on the undersurface of the breasts due to their constant rubbing on the abdominal walls. They also create a hurdle for the woman to engage in vigorous exercise or heavy physical activities thus affecting her health adversely.

Having large breasts is not just a physical issue as women are often also affected psychologically. Young girls can have an inferiority complex because of oversized breasts. Their freedom to choose clothes is often hampered and the pressure of being physically perfect affects them.

However, this is not a permanent issue. Dr. Hiren Bhatt, a certified Plastic Surgeon suggests that it is totally reversible with the help of a breast reduction procedure.

Also often referred to as Reduction Mammoplasty, breast reduction surgery aims at removing the excess skin, fat, and tissue in order to achieve breasts that are proportionate with the rest of the body shape of the woman.

Breast Reduction at NVYA Aesthetics, Vadodara is an absolutely safe and effective procedure in order to get rid of heavy and unshapely breasts.

NVYA Aesthetics’ expert Dr. Hiren Bhatt believes that consultation is of utmost importance before diving into any procedure. A thorough physical examination is the first step in a consultation. During a consultation with Dr. Hiren Bhatt, our expert Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, he makes sure that he understands the needs and requirements of the patients.

He guides them through the entire procedure and explains everything in detail. This helps the patients in making an informed decision regarding the procedure.

He also urges his patients to ask as many questions as they want to achieve complete clarity. NVYA Aesthetics, Vadodara strongly believes in transparency and hence we explain everything related to the procedure including the achievable result.

A consultation can be a vital moment before the surgery as the patient can analyze his or her comfort level with the doctor and understand all the aspects which entail the procedure.

Some blood and urine tests along with baseline mammography will be advised. Medical history is generally reviewed. This helps in understanding the physical health of the candidate.

Also, before the surgery, Dr. Hiren Bhatt takes some specific measurements while the patient is awake. These measurements are taken in a sitting position and are important to decide the amount of excision to be done.

  • The surgical operation for breast reduction is done under general anaesthesia along with intravenous sedation.
  • The excess skin, underlying fat, and glands are removed and nipple and areola are replaced in a new position. The incisions are stitched thereafter.

The type of incisions used during the surgery by accredited Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Hiren Bhatt are as follows:


  • In this case, a circular incision is made around the nipple-areolar complex and a vertical scar is made going downwards towards the infra-mammary crease. The scar that remains, although very light, is in this particular shape.


  • In case of very heavy breasts, this type of incision is preferred. It resembles the shape of an anchor. Sometimes, if possible, the incision is made only around the nipple-areola complex which results in a practically invisible scar.
  • Breast reduction procedureSometimes extra fat around the breast and near armpit is removed by liposuction. The incisions are stitched thereafter. To avoid the deposition of excess fluid and blood, a small tube drain is brought out from both the breasts.
  • A special dressing and elastic bandages are applied after the operation.
  • The patient will be able to move around in about 24 hours. The patient may be discharged after 24-48 hours depending upon the healing procedure as well as the status of the vitals.
  • Generally, there is mild pain around the breasts and it requires analgesics for about a week. A change of dressing is required after 48 hours and on 5th day.
  • Stitches are self-dissolving and hence do not require removal. The dressing is also removed at that time.
  • Light routine can be resumed after 10 days. Around the third week after operation one can resume full work but stretching the arms, lifting weight, and exercising is allowed after 4 weeks.
  • Breasts may remain somewhat tender on touch for about 3-4 weeks. One may feel tingling around the nipple-areola. During the first menstrual cycle after the operation, the patient will feel mild pain and stretching sensation in both the breasts. This is relieved by taking analgesics like Metacin, Crocin, etc. as suggested by Dr. Hiren Bhatt of NVYA Aesthetics, Vadodara.
  • The incision looks raised above the skin and pinkish-red, to begin with. It flattens and returns to normal colour gradually. Over a period of time, the incision will hardly be visible.

Breast reduction, in general, is a very safe procedure. Life-threatening complications are very rare. Some other complications are:

  • Persistent pain
  • Temporary loss of sensation
  • Bleeding
  • Chances of infection
  • Scarring
  • Undesirable results

It is to be noted that all these complications are uncommon and not all the complications would occur in a given patient.

Schedule An Appointment

In case you have queries regarding this or any other procedures, we welcome you for a one-on-one consultation with Dr. Hiren Bhatt where he will expertly guide you on the matter.

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